
Tutorial: Javascript Operator


By Emmanuel Chinonso

Web Developer

Last updated: 12 May 2024

JavaScript Operator

Contrast Bootstrap UI Kit

What is an Operator?

Let's look at a simple example. The expression 3 + 8 will give you 11. The operands in this case are 3 and 8, and the operator is '+'. JavaScript supports all this operators.

Assignment operator: The assignment operator (=) is used to give a variable a value.

Adding operator: You can use the plus sign (+) in adding two numbers together.

The Multiplying operator: The multiplication operator (*) is used to multiply two or more numbers.

A table of some operators can be found below.

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

To perform arithmetic on numbers, arithmetic operators are used:

**Exponentiation (ES6)
%Modulus (Division Remainder)

JavaScript Assignment Operators

JavaScript variables are assigned values using assignment operators.

OperatorExampleSame As
=x = yx = x + y
+=x += yx = x + y
-=x -= yx = x - y
*=x *= yx = x * y
/=x /= yx = x / y
%=x %= yx = x % y

The assignment operator (+=) is used to add a value to a variable.

JavaScript code

var x = 10;
x += 5; // Result 15

JavaScript String Operators

You can also use the + operator to join (concatenate) strings.

JavaScript code:

var txt1 = 'Johnny';
var txt2 = 'Smith';
var txt3 = txt1 + ' ' + txt2;

The + operator is known as the concatenation operator when applied to strings.

Adding Strings and Numbers

When you put two numbers together, you'll get the sum, but when you combine a number and a string, you'll get a string:

JavaScript code

var x = 5 + 5; // Result 10
var y = '5' + 5; // Result 55
var z = 'Hello' + 5; // Result Hello5

Adding a number to a string will simply give you a string.

JavaScript Comparison Operators

==equal to
===equal value and equal type
!=not equal
!==not equal value or not equal type
>greater than
<less than
>=greater than or equal to
<=less than or equal to
?operator job

JavaScript Logical Operators

&&logical and
IIlogical or
!logical not

JavaScript Type Operators

typeofReturns the type of a variable
instanceofReturns true if an object is an instance of an object type.

Contrast Bootstrap UI Kit

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