Angular Bootstrap EditableTable
The Contrast Angular Bootstrap Editable component allows you to create tables you can edit on the website. You can add and remove rows, change texts and informaton within cells.
Importing the Contrast Angular Bootstrap EditableTable Module
To use the Contrast Angular Bootstrap EditableTable component in your project you need to import EditableTableModule
import { EditabletableModule } from 'cdbangular';
Default EditableTable
Set the striped
prop to true to have a striped table, the bordered
to true for borders. The data
prop takes in an array of arrays, this is the data displayed in the bootstrap editable Table component.
<CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBEditableTable [striped]="true" [bordered]="true" [data]="data" [columns]="columns" ></CDBEditableTable> </CDBCardBody></CDBCard>
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
@Component({ selector: 'app-editable-table', templateUrl: './editable-table.component.html', styleUrls: ['./editable-table.component.scss'],})export class EditableTableComponent implements OnInit { columns = ['Fullname', 'Age', 'Company Name', 'City', 'Country'];
data = [ ['Guerra Cortez', 45, 'Insectus', 'San Francisco', 'USA'], ['Elisa Gallagher', 31, 'Portica', 'London', 'United Kingdom'], ['Aurelia Vega', 30, 'Deepends', 'Madrid', 'Spain'], ['Guadalupe House', 26, 'Isotronic', 'Berlin', 'Germany'], ];
constructor() {}
ngOnInit(): void {}}
API Reference: Contrast Angular Bootstrap EditableTable Props
This section will build on your information about the props you get to use with the Contrast Angular Bootstrap EditableTable component. You will find out what these props do, their default values, and how you would use them in your code.
The table below lists other prop options of the CDBEditableTable
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
class | String | Adds custom classes | class="myClass" | |
autoWidth | Boolean | false | Adds w-auto to the className | autoWidth=true |
bordered | Boolean | false | Adds borders on all sides of the table and cells. | bordered=true |
borderless | Boolean | false | Removes borders on all sides of the table and cells. | borderless=true |
data | Array | Binds your data into the component. | data = ['Aurelia Vega', 30, 'Depends'] | |
columns | Array | Specify headers and number of columns | columns=['Person Name', 'Age', 'Company Name'] | |
hover | Boolean | false | Enables a hover state on table rows within a table body. | hover=true |
responsive | Boolean | Makes table responsive across all viewports | responsive=true | |
responsiveSm | Boolean | Makes table responsive up to the small breakpoint | responsiveSm=true | |
responsiveMd | Boolean | Makes table responsive up to the medium breakpoint | responsiveMd=true | |
responsiveLg | Boolean | Makes table responsive up to the large breakpoint | responsiveLg=true | |
responsiveXl | Boolean | Makes table responsive up to the extra large breakpoint | responsiveXl=true | |
hover | Boolean | false | Enables a hover state on table rows within a table body. | hover=true |
small | Boolean | false | Makes tables more compact by cutting cell padding in half. | small=true |
striped | Boolean | false | Adds zebra-striping to any table row within the table body. | striped=true |
Build modern projects using Bootstrap 5 and Contrast
Trying to create components and pages for a web app or website from
scratch while maintaining a modern User interface can be very tedious.
This is why we created Contrast, to help drastically reduce the amount of time we spend doing that.
so we can focus on building some other aspects of the project.
Contrast Bootstrap PRO consists of a Premium UI Kit Library featuring over 10000+ component variants.
Which even comes bundled together with its own admin template comprising of 5 admin dashboards and 23+ additional admin and multipurpose pages for
building almost any type of website or web app.
See a demo and learn more about Contrast Bootstrap Pro by clicking here.