React Bootstrap 5 Button (Contrast)
Users can interact with your website using the React Bootstrap 5 button. In terms of size, form, and color, they are simple to alter. They include a number of pre-defined button styles, each with its own semantic function and a few more controls.
Importing the React Bootstrap 5 Button component
You begin by importing the CDBButton component (Contrast) into your project to use the React Bootstrap Button component.
import { CDBBtn } from "cdbreact";
Default Buttons
The color
prop affects the background color of the button.
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="primary">Primary</CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary">Secondary</CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="danger">Danger</CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="success">Success</CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="dark">Dark</CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="warning">Warning</CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="info">Info</CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Circular Buttons
The 'circle' attribute is used on the React Bootstrap 5 buttons to make them more rounded.
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="primary" circle> Primary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary" circle> Secondary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="danger" circle> Danger </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="success" circle> Success </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="dark" circle> Dark </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="warning" circle> Warning </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="info" circle> Info </CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Outline Buttons
Using the react bootstrap button, you can give your button merely an outline, by using the prop 'outline' on the button.
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="primary" outline> Primary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary" outline> Secondary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="success" outline> Success </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="danger" outline> Danger </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="dark" outline> Dark </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="warning" outline> Warning </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="info" outline> Info </CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Circular Outline Buttons
To create the circular outline buttons, we'll use the React Bootstrap 5 components for buttons
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="primary" circle outline> Primary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary" circle outline> Secondary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="success" circle outline> Success </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="danger" circle outline> Danger </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="dark" circle outline> Dark </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="warning" circle outline> Warning </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="info" outline circle> Info </CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Flat Buttons
Give the 'CDBBtn' component the 'flat' attribute to create buttons without button shadows.
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="primary" flat> Primary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary" flat> Secondary </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="success" flat> Success </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="danger" flat> Danger </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="dark" flat> Dark </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="warning" flat> Warning </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="info" flat> Info </CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Buttons with Icons
Pro ComponentIn this tutorial we also use the CDBIcon component alongside the CDBButton
component. The 'CDBIcon' component is nested within the 'CDBBtn' component. Our buttons now have icons associated with them as a result of this.
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBIcon, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="warning"> <CDBIcon icon="magic" className="ms-1" /> Warning </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="info"> Info <CDBIcon icon="magic" className="me-1" /> </CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Button Sizes
Use the'size' attribute to specify how big or small your button should be.
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="primary" size="large"> Large button </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary">Normal button</CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="success" size="small"> Small button </CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Disabled Buttons
To disable your button, use the 'disabled' property.
import React from "react";import { CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Button = () => { return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBBtn color="secondary" disabled> Disabled Button </CDBBtn> </CDBContainer> );};
Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Button Props
The props you get to use with the React Bootstrap 5 Button component will be expanded upon in this section. You'll learn what these props do, how to utilize them in your code, and what their default values are.
Other prop possibilities for the 'CDBButton' component are included in the table below.
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
action | Boolean | false | Adds btn-action class, works with Cards | <CDBBtn action ... /> |
active | Boolean | false | Adds active class | <CDBBtn active ... /> |
block | Boolean | false | Create block level buttons | <CDBBtn block ... /> |
circle | Boolean | false | Adds btn-circle class, works with stepper | <CDBBtn circle ... /> |
className | String | Adds custom classes | <CDBBtn className="custom-class" ... /> | |
color | String | primary | Determines button color, accepts CDB predefined color classes | <CDBBtn color="secondary" ... /> |
disabled | Boolean | false | Disables button from being clicked | <CDBBtn disabled ... /> |
download | String | Adds download attribute with provided url | <CDBBtn download="https://link_to_your_file.com" ... /> | |
endingText | String | Positions the button text in one of the selected positions. These positions include top-left , top-right , bottom-left , bottom-right , top , bottom , center . | <CDBBtn endingText="center" ... /> | |
flat | Boolean | false | Adds flat effect to button. That is button without background and borders | <CDBBtn flat ... /> |
innerRef | function or String | Allows to pass Ref string, which will attach to rendered button or a DOM element | <CDBBtn innerRef="buttonRef" ... /> | |
label | String | Positions button text left or right . | <CDBBtn label="left" ... /> | |
onClick | function | Will call a function when the button is clicked | <CDBBtn onClick={yourFunction} ... /> | |
role | String | Adds role attribute to button | <CDBBtn role="...." ... /> | |
size | String | medium | Determines button size, available values: [small, large] . | <CDBBtn size="large" ... /> |
social | String | Adds a social media icon. | <CDBBtn social="fb" ... /> | |
tag | String | button | Changes default tag | <CDBBtn tag="a" ... /> |
target | String | _self | If used as link, sets target attribute | <CDBBtn href="..." target="_blank" ... /> |
type | String | button | Adds type attribute to button | <CDBBtn type="submit" ... /> |
Build modern projects using Bootstrap 5 and Contrast
Trying to create components and pages for a web app or website from
scratch while maintaining a modern User interface can be very tedious.
This is why we created Contrast, to help drastically reduce the amount of time we spend doing that.
so we can focus on building some other aspects of the project.
Contrast Bootstrap PRO consists of a Premium UI Kit Library featuring over 10000+ component variants.
Which even comes bundled together with its own admin template comprising of 5 admin dashboards and 23+ additional admin and multipurpose pages for
building almost any type of website or web app.
See a demo and learn more about Contrast Bootstrap Pro by clicking here.