

React Bootstrap 5 Panel

React Bootstrap 5 Panels are content wrappers that are both dynamic and expandable. They may hold a range of content, have contextual background colors, and have strong display choices. They're similar to cards, however they don't have any media attached to them.

Importing the React Bootstrap 5 Panel Component

Start by importing CDBPanel into your project to use the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Panel component.

import { CDBPanel } from "cdbreact";

In addition to the CDBPanel component, you import the CDBPanelTitle component to write titles in your pane, the CDBPaneText component to write texts or messages in your pane, and the CDBPaneImage component to write pane images.

import { CDBPanel, CDBPanelTitle, CDBPanelText } from "cdbreact";

Panel with Dropdown

Pro Component

We nest the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Dropdown component in this tutorial section, CDBDropDown, in the CDBPanel component. We now have dropdowns in our panel as a result of this.

Warren Briggs


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
127 likes 54 comments
import React from "react";
import { CDBPanel, CDBPanelTitle, CDBPanelText, CDBDropDown, CDBDropDownToggle, CDBDropDownMenu, CDBDropDownItem, CDBPane, CDBIcon, CDBPaneImage, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
const Panel = () => {
return (
<CDBPanel style={{ width: "25rem", borderRadius: "15px" }}>
<CDBPane style={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center"}}>
<div style={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center"}}>
<CDBPaneImage style={{width: "4rem", height: "4rem"}} src="" alt="paneImage"/>
<div style={{marginLeft: "12px"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Warren Briggs</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText small>Chicago</CDBPanelText>
<CDBDropDown className="ms-auto">
<CDBDropDownToggle color="white"><CDBIcon className="text-muted" fas icon="ellipsis-h" /></CDBDropDownToggle>
<CDBDropDownItem disabled>Action</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBDropDownItem divider />
<CDBDropDownItem>Another action</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBDropDownItem>Something else here</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBPanelText className="my-3">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
<CDBPanelText style={{ fontWeight: "600" }} small>
<CDBIcon far icon="thumbs-up" />127 likes
<CDBIcon className="ms-2" far icon="comment" style={{marginLeft: "15px"}}/>54 comments
export default Panel;

Panel with Users

Pro Component

In this tutorial section, we nest the CDBPaneImage component in the CDBPanel component. With this, our panel now has user images in it.

Contrast Panel with users

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

import React from "react";
import { CDBPanel,CDBPanelTitle, CDBPanelText, CDBCardImage, CDBPaneImage, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
const Panel = () => {
return (
<CDBPanel style={{ width: "20rem", borderRadius: "15px" }}>
<CDBCardImage style={{ borderRadius: "8px" }} src="" />
<div style={{padding: "0.6rem"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle tag="h4" style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Bristol</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText className="my-3">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
<div style={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center", paddingLeft: "12px", paddingRight: "32px"}}>
<CDBPaneImage style={{width: "3rem", height: "3rem}} src=""/>
<CDBPaneImage style={{width: "3rem", height: "3rem}} src=""/>
<CDBPaneImage style={{width: "3rem", height: "3rem}} src="" alt="Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Panel With Progress component" />
export default Panel;

Panel with Label

Pro Component

In this tutorial section, we nest the CDBBadge component in the CDBPanel component. With this, our panel now has badges in it, which can serve as labels.

Label 1
Label 2
Label 3
Moon Fevers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
import React from "react";
import { CDBPanel,CDBPanelTitle, CDBPanelText, CDBBadge, CDBIcon, CDBPaneImage, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
const Panel = () => {
return (
<CDBPanel style={{ width: "22rem", borderRadius: "15px" }}>
<div style={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "start", alignItems: "start"}}>
<CDBBadge style={{borderRadius: "0px", fontSize: "10px", color: "white", marginRight: "12px", backgroundColor: "black" }}>Label 1</CDBBadge>
<CDBBadge style={{borderRadius: "0px", fontSize: "10px", color: "white", marginRight: "12px", backgroundColor: "#f9e076"}}>Label 2</CDBBadge>
<CDBBadge style={{borderRadius: "0px", fontSize: "10px", color: "white", marginRight: "12px" , backgroundColor: "#e3242b"}} >Label 3</CDBBadge>
<div className="mt-3 d-flex align-items-center">
<CDBPanelTitle tag="h3" style={{fontWeight: "700"}} >Moon Fevers</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText className="my-3">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt
<CDBPaneImage style={{height: 3rem , width: "3rem"}} src=" style={{marginRight: "22px"}}/>
<CDBPaneImage style={{height: "3rem", width: "3rem"}} src="" />
export default Panel;

Pane List

Pro Component

My Messages

Warren Briggs


6mins Ago

Lu Chen


10mins Ago



15mins Ago



30mins Ago

Lilah Loselev


45mins Ago

import React from "react";
import { CDBPanel,CDBPanelTitle, CDBPanelText, CDBDropDown, CDBDropDownToggle, CDBDropDownMenu, CDBDropDownItem, CDBPane, CDBIcon, CDBPaneImage, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
const Panel = () => {
return (
<CDBPanel style={{ width: "22rem", borderRadius: "15px" }}>
<CDBPanelText muted>My Messages</CDBPanelText>
<CDBDropDown className="ms-auto">
<CDBDropDownToggle color="white"><CDBIcon className="text-muted" fas icon="ellipsis-h" /></CDBDropDownToggle>
<CDBDropDownItem disabled>Edit Profile</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBDropDownItem divider />
<CDBDropDownItem>Action 1</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBDropDownItem>Action 2</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBPane style={{marginTop: "12px" , display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "between", alignItems: "center" }}>
<div style={{display: "flex" , flexDirection: "start", alignItems: "start", flex: 1}}>
<CDBPaneImage style={{height: "3rem", width: "3rem"}} src="" />
<div style={{marginLeft: "12px"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Warren Briggs</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText small>Cooking</CDBPanelText>
<div style={{flex: 0.5}}>
<CDBPanelText muted small style={{textAlign: "end"}}>5mins ago</CDBPanelText>
<CDBPane style={{marginTop: "12px" , display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "between", alignItems: "center" }}>
<div style={{display: "flex" , flexDirection: "start", alignItems: "start", flex: 1}}>
<CDBPaneImage style={{height: "3rem", width: "3rem"}} src="" />
<div style={{marginLeft: "12px"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Lu Chen</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText small>Cooking</CDBPanelText>
<div style={{flex: 0.5}}>
<CDBPanelText muted small style={{textAlign: "end"}}>10mins ago</CDBPanelText>
<CDBPane style={{marginTop: "12px" , display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "between", alignItems: "center" }}>
<div style={{display: "flex" , flexDirection: "start", alignItems: "start", flex: 1}}>
<CDBPaneImage style={{height: "3rem", width: "3rem"}} src=""/>
<div style={{marginLeft: "12px"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Sam</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText small>Cooking</CDBPanelText>
<div style={{flex: 0.5}}>
<CDBPanelText muted small style={{textAlign: "end"}}>15mins ago</CDBPanelText>
<CDBPane style={{marginTop: "12px" , display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "between", alignItems: "center" }}>
<div style={{display: "flex" , flexDirection: "start", alignItems: "start", flex: 1}}>
<CDBPaneImage style={{height: "3rem", width: "3rem"}} src="" />
<div style={{marginLeft: "12px"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Danny</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText small>Cooking</CDBPanelText>
<div style={{flex: 0.5}}>
<CDBPanelText muted small style={{textAlign: "end"}}>30mins ago</CDBPanelText>
<CDBPane style={{marginTop: "12px" , display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "between", alignItems: "center" }}>
<div style={{display: "flex" , flexDirection: "start", alignItems: "start", flex: 1}}>
<CDBPaneImage style={{height: "3rem", width: "3rem"}} src="" />
<div style={{marginLeft: "12px"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Lilah Loselev</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText small>Cooking</CDBPanelText>
<div style={{flex: 0.5}}>
<CDBPanelText muted small style={{textAlign: "end"}}>45mins ago</CDBPanelText>
export default Panel;

Panel with Progress

Pro Component

Along with the 'CDBPanel' component, we use other React Bootstrap 5 Components in this tutorial. These components are the CDBDropDown for our panel dropdowns, CDBProgress to have progress bars in our panels, CDBPane, and the CDBIcon component for icons in our panels. Check out the docs to get more insight.

Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Panel With Progress component
import React from "react";
import { CDBPanel,CDBPanelTitle, CDBPanelText, CDBDropDown, CDBDropDownToggle, CDBDropDownMenu, CDBDropDownItem, CDBProgress, CDBPane, CDBIcon, CDBPaneImage, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
const Panel = () => {
return (
<CDBPanel style={{ width: "320px", borderRadius: "15px" }}>
<div style={{display: "flex" , flex: 1, }}>
<CDBPaneImage size="md" src="/img/pane/pane1.png" />
<div style={{marginTop: "6px" , marginLeft: "12px"}}>
<CDBPanelTitle style={{ fontWeight: "600" }}>Warren Briggs</CDBPanelTitle>
<CDBPanelText small>Chicago</CDBPanelText>
<CDBDropDown style={{flex: 0.5}}>
<CDBDropDownToggle color="white"><CDBIcon className="text-muted" fas icon="ellipsis-h" /></CDBDropDownToggle>
<CDBDropDownItem disabled>Edit Profile</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBDropDownItem divider />
<CDBDropDownItem>Action 1</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBDropDownItem>Action 2</CDBDropDownItem>
<CDBPanelText style={{ fontWeight: "600", marginTop: "15px" }} small>Instagram</CDBPanelText>
<CDBProgress value={75} height={5}></CDBProgress>
<CDBPanelText style={{ fontWeight: "600", marginTop: "15px" }} small>Facebook</CDBPanelText>
<CDBProgress value={60} height={5}></CDBProgress>
<CDBPanelText style={{ fontWeight: "600", marginTop: "15px" }} small>Twitter</CDBPanelText>
<CDBProgress value={45} height={5}></CDBProgress>
export default Panel;

API Reference: Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Panel Props

This session will increase your understanding of the props accessible with the React Bootstrap 5 Pane component. You'll discover what these properties do, what their default values are, and how to use them in your code.

Other prop options for the CDBPanel component are included in the table below.

classNameStringAdds custom classes<CDBPanel className="myClass" ... />
tagStringdivChanges default tag<CDBPanel tag="input" ... />
colorstringSets the color of the panel<CDBPanel color="#000" .../>

API Reference: Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Panel Title Props

The table below provides the various prop options for the CDBPanelTitle component.

classNameStringAdds custom classes<CDBPanelTitle className="myClass" ... />
tagStringh6Changes default tag<CDBPanelTitle tag="h5" ... />

API Reference: Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Panel Text Prop

The table below provides the various prop options for the 'CDBPanelText' component.

classNameStringAdds custom classes<CDBPanelText className="myClass" ... />
tagStringpChanges default tag<CDBPanelText tag="p" ... />
smallBooleanfalseUses html small as component's tag<CDBPanelText small ... />
mutedBooleanfalseMutes the text color<CDBPanelText muted ... />

Build modern projects using Bootstrap 5 and Contrast

Trying to create components and pages for a web app or website from scratch while maintaining a modern User interface can be very tedious. This is why we created Contrast, to help drastically reduce the amount of time we spend doing that. so we can focus on building some other aspects of the project.

Contrast Bootstrap PRO consists of a Premium UI Kit Library featuring over 10000+ component variants. Which even comes bundled together with its own admin template comprising of 5 admin dashboards and 23+ additional admin and multipurpose pages for building almost any type of website or web app.
See a demo and learn more about Contrast Bootstrap Pro by clicking here.