React Bootstrap 5 DataTables
React Bootstrap 5 DataTables are components that mix tables with advanced options like searching, sorting and pagination.
Importing the DataTable Component
To use the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 DateTable component, you import CDBDateTable
into your project.
import { CDBDataTable } from 'cdbreact';
In this tutorial we use the CDBCard component for the table body. Check out the docs for more understanding.
Default DataTable
You may design the datable component below by utilizing majority of CDBDatatable's design and data organization properties. Zebra stripes are added to the table's body using the striped
property, hoverable columns in the table are made by giving the component the hover
property, and the borders of the tables and cells are set using the bordered
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]} entries={5} pagesAmount={4} data={data()} materialSearch={true} /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
Not Striped
Set the striped
property to false to create a non-striped datatable component using CDBDataTable.
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable bordered hover entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]} entries={5} pagesAmount={4} data={data()} materialSearch={true} /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
Fixed Height
Setting the maxHeight
property gives the table a fixed height, which makes it scroll vertically.
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBRow, CDBCol, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover scrollY maxHeight="50vh" data={data()} materialSearch /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
Disabled Button
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBRow, CDBCol, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover scrollX data={data()} materialSearch /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
Full Pagination
You can customize the number of rows in a paginated datatable component using the entries
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBRow, CDBCol, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover scrollX scrollY maxHeight="300xp" data={data()} materialSearch fullPagination /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover checkbox data={data()} materialSearch /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
No Search
Set the searching
property to false to remove searching functionality from the datatable.
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBRow, CDBCol, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover data={data()} searching={false} /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
No Sort
Set the sortable
property to false to remove sorting option from the datatable.
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBRow, CDBCol, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover data={data()} sortable={false} materialSearch /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
No Info
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover data={data()} info={false} materialSearch /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
No Pagination
Set paging
property to false to disable pagination in the datatable.
import React from 'react';import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBRow, CDBCol, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => { function testClickEvent(param) { alert('Row Click Event'); }
const data = () => { return { columns: [ { label: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, attributes: { 'aria-controls': 'DataTable', 'aria-label': 'Name', }, }, { label: 'Position', field: 'position', width: 270, }, { label: 'Office', field: 'office', width: 200, }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100, }, { label: 'Start date', field: 'date', sort: 'disabled', width: 150, }, { label: 'Salary', field: 'salary', sort: 'disabled', width: 100, }, ], rows: [ { name: 'Tiger Nixon', position: 'System Architect', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '61', date: '2011/04/25', salary: '$320', clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1), }, { name: 'Garrett Winters', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '63', date: '2011/07/25', salary: '$170', }, { name: 'Ashton Cox', position: 'Junior Technical Author', office: 'San Francisco', age: '66', date: '2009/01/12', salary: '$86', }, { name: 'Cedric Kelly', position: 'Senior Javascript Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2012/03/29', salary: '$433', }, { name: 'Airi Satou', position: 'Accountant', office: 'Tokyo', age: '33', date: '2008/11/28', salary: '$162', }, { name: 'Brielle Williamson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'New York', age: '61', date: '2012/12/02', salary: '$372', }, { name: 'Herrod Chandler', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'San Francisco', age: '59', date: '2012/08/06', salary: '$137', }, { name: 'Rhona Davidson', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Tokyo', age: '55', date: '2010/10/14', salary: '$327', }, { name: 'Colleen Hurst', position: 'Javascript Developer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '39', date: '2009/09/15', salary: '$205', }, { name: 'Sonya Frost', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '23', date: '2008/12/13', salary: '$103', }, { name: 'Jena Gaines', position: 'Office Manager', office: 'London', age: '30', date: '2008/12/19', salary: '$90', }, { name: 'Quinn Flynn', position: 'Support Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '22', date: '2013/03/03', salary: '$342', }, { name: 'Charde Marshall', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'San Francisco', age: '36', date: '2008/10/16', salary: '$470', }, { name: 'Haley Kennedy', position: 'Senior Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '43', date: '2012/12/18', salary: '$313', }, { name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'London', age: '19', date: '2010/03/17', salary: '$385', }, { name: 'Michael Silva', position: 'Marketing Designer', office: 'London', age: '66', date: '2012/11/27', salary: '$198', }, { name: 'Paul Byrd', position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', office: 'New York', age: '64', date: '2010/06/09', salary: '$725', }, { name: 'Gloria Little', position: 'Systems Administrator', office: 'New York', age: '59', date: '2009/04/10', salary: '$237', }, { name: 'Bradley Greer', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'London', age: '41', date: '2012/10/13', salary: '$132', }, { name: 'Dai Rios', position: 'Personnel Lead', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '35', date: '2012/09/26', salary: '$217', }, { name: 'Jenette Caldwell', position: 'Development Lead', office: 'New York', age: '30', date: '2011/09/03', salary: '$345', }, { name: 'Yuri Berry', position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', office: 'New York', age: '40', date: '2009/06/25', salary: '$675', }, { name: 'Caesar Vance', position: 'Pre-Sales Support', office: 'New York', age: '21', date: '2011/12/12', salary: '$106', }, { name: 'Doris Wilder', position: 'Sales Assistant', office: 'Sidney', age: '23', date: '2010/09/20', salary: '$85', }, { name: 'Angelica Ramos', position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', office: 'London', age: '47', date: '2009/10/09', salary: '$1', }, { name: 'Gavin Joyce', position: 'Developer', office: 'Edinburgh', age: '42', date: '2010/12/22', salary: '$92', }, { name: 'Jennifer Chang', position: 'Regional Director', office: 'Singapore', age: '28', date: '2010/11/14', salary: '$357', }, { name: 'Brenden Wagner', position: 'Software Engineer', office: 'San Francisco', age: '28', date: '2011/06/07', salary: '$206', }, { name: 'Fiona Green', position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', office: 'San Francisco', age: '48', date: '2010/03/11', salary: '$850', }, { name: 'Shou Itou', position: 'Regional Marketing', office: 'Tokyo', age: '20', date: '2011/08/14', salary: '$163', }, { name: 'Michelle House', position: 'Integration Specialist', office: 'Sidney', age: '37', date: '2011/06/02', salary: '$95', }, { name: 'Suki Burks', position: 'Developer', office: 'London', age: '53', date: '2009/10/22', salary: '$114', }, { name: 'Prescott Bartlett', position: 'Technical Author', office: 'London', age: '27', date: '2011/05/07', salary: '$145', },
{ name: 'Donna Snider', position: 'Customer Support', office: 'New York', age: '27', date: '2011/01/25', salary: '$112', }, ], }; }; return ( <CDBContainer> <CDBRow className="py-3"> <CDBCol md="12"> <CDBCard> <CDBCardBody> <CDBDataTable striped bordered hover paging={false} data={data()} materialSearch /> </CDBCardBody> </CDBCard> </CDBCol> </CDBRow> </CDBContainer> );};
export default DataTable;
API Reference: Contrast React Bootstrap 5 DataTable Props
This section will build on your information about the props you get to use with the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 DataTable component. You will find out what these props do, their default values, and how you would use them in your code.
The table below lists other prop options of the CDBDataTable
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
className | String | Adds classes to data table component | <CDBDataTable className="myClass" ... /> | |
tag | String | div | Changes default input tag | <CDBDataTable tag="input" ... /> |
autoWidth | Boolean | false | Automatically adjust columns width to the content. | <CDBDataTable autoWidth .../> |
barReverse | Boolean | false | Swaps position of 'search' and 'show entries' elements | <CDBDataTable barReverse .../> |
bordered | Boolean | false | Adds border on all table's and cell's sides. | <CDBDataTable bordered .../> |
borderless | Boolean | false | Disables border on all table's and cell's sides. | <CDBDataTable borderless .../> |
btn | Boolean | false | Adjust table styles to work with content like buttons | <CDBDataTable btn .../> |
dark | Boolean | false | Sets dark color palette of the table. | <CDBDataTable dark .../> |
data | Object or String | Attach your data or link to the JSON with your data. | <CDBDataTable data={data} .../> | |
disableRetreatAfterSorting | Boolean | false | Disable retreat after sorting to the first page. | <CDBDataTable disableRetreatAfterSorting .../> |
displayEntries | Boolean | true | Determines whether entries is enabled/disabled. | <CDBDataTable displayEntries={false} .../> |
entries | Number | Initial entries amount value. | <CDBDataTable entries .../> | |
entriesLabel | String | Show Entries | Change entries label; you can attach jsx code to render f.e. links. | <CDBDataTable entriesLabel="Show labels" .../> |
entriesOptions | Array[Number] | [10, 20, 50, 100] | Sets entries amount options available to select in dropdown. | <CDBDataTable entriesOptions={[5, 10, 15 ]} .../> |
exportToCSV | Boolean | false | If you add this property the button will appear. By clicking it the .csv file with your table will be downloaded. | <CDBDataTable exportToCSV .../> |
office | String | Adds a new select to filter table data by column field. | <CDBDataTable filter="office" .../> | |
fixed | Boolean | false | Sets fixed columns width. | <CDBDataTable fixed .../> |
hover | Boolean | false | Adds hover state on table rows (rows are marked on light-grey color). | <CDBDataTable hover .../> |
info | Boolean | true | Determines whether pagination info is enabled/disabled. | <CDBDataTable info={false} .../> |
infoLabel | Array[String] | ["Showing", "to", "of", "entries"] | Change text of paging information. | <CDBDataTable infoLabel={["Showing", "to", "of", "entries"]} .../> |
maxHeight | String | 200px | Sets table's maxHeight. You can use px, vh or whatever fits to your needs. | <CDBDataTable maxHeight="400px" .../> |
noBottomColumn | Boolean | false | No renders table footer | <CDBDataTable noBottomColumn .../> |
noRecordsLabelFound | String | No matching records found | Sets custom text if no have data to render | <CDBDataTable noRecordsFoundLabel="Zero records to render" .../> |
order | Array[String] | false | Sets initial order. Accepts array of strings, index 0: table field by which you want to sort, index 1: sorting direction ('desc'/'asc'). | <CDBDataTable order={['age', 'desc']} .../> |
pagesAmount | Number | 8 | Initial number of pages simultaneously visible in pagination. | <CDBDataTable pagesAmount={10} .../> |
paging | Boolean | true | Determines whether pagination is enabled/disabled. | <CDBDataTable paging={false} .../> |
paginationLabel | Array[String] | ["Previous", "Next"] | Change pagination buttons labels. | <CDBDataTable paginationLabel={["Previous", "Next"]} .../> |
responsive | Boolean | false | Makes table scrollable horizontally when screen width is smaller than table content (under 768px). It make use of overflow-y: hidden which clips off content that goes beyond the bottom or top edge of the table. | <CDBDataTable responsive .../> |
responsiveSm | Boolean | false | Makes table scrollable horizontally on under 576px wide screens. | <CDBDataTable responsiveSm .../> |
responsiveMd | Boolean | false | Makes table scrollable horizontally on under 768px wide screens. | <CDBDataTable responsiveMd .../> |
responsiveLg | Boolean | false | Makes table scrollable horizontally on under 992px wide screens. | <CDBDataTable responsiveLg .../> |
responsiveXl | Boolean | false | Makes table scrollable horizontally on under 1200px wide screens. | <CDBDataTable responsiveXl .../> |
searching | Boolean | true | Determines whether searching is enabled/disabled. | <CDBDataTable searching={false} .../> |
searchLabel | String | Search | Change text of search label. | <CDBDataTable searchLabel="Search" .../> |
scrollX | Boolean | false | Allows table to be scrolled horizontally. Combine this prop with column's 'width' for the best effects. | <CDBDataTable scrollX .../> |
scrollY | Boolean | false | Allows table to be scrolled vertically if it's content is higher than 200px. Combine it with maxHeight to manipulate table's height. | <CDBDataTable scrollY .../> |
sortRows | Array[String] | Determines row fields which defined as components but should be sortable and searchable. Row's field component should receive property 'searchValue'! | <CDBDataTable autoWidth sortRows=["search"] .../> | |
sortable | Boolean | false | Determines whether sorting is enabled/disabled. | <CDBDataTable sortable .../> |
striped | Boolean | false | Adds zebra-striping to any table row. | <CDBDataTable striped .../> |
theadColor | String | Sets background color of table head. | <CDBDataTable theadColor="indigo" .../> | |
theadTextWhite | Boolean | Sets white color of table head's font. | <CDBDataTable theadTextWhite .../> | |
tbodyColor | String | Sets background color of table body. | <CDBDataTable tbodyColor="indigo" .../> | |
tbodyTextWhite | Boolean | false | Sets white color of table body's font. | <CDBDataTable tbodyTextWhite .../> |
Build modern projects using Bootstrap 5 and Contrast
Trying to create components and pages for a web app or website from
scratch while maintaining a modern User interface can be very tedious.
This is why we created Contrast, to help drastically reduce the amount of time we spend doing that.
so we can focus on building some other aspects of the project.
Contrast Bootstrap PRO consists of a Premium UI Kit Library featuring over 10000+ component variants.
Which even comes bundled together with its own admin template comprising of 5 admin dashboards and 23+ additional admin and multipurpose pages for
building almost any type of website or web app.
See a demo and learn more about Contrast Bootstrap Pro by clicking here.