Tailwind CSS Modal

Modals are a popular UI component used to display content or take user input without navigating away from the current page. With Tailwind CSS, creating beautiful and functional modals is a breeze. We are going to explore different modals you can create using windframe.

Windframe is an AI-enhanced Visual tailwind builder and editor for rapidly prototyping and building stunning webpages using tailwind css.

Basic Modal

A basic modal typically consists of a title, content, and a close button. It is a fundamental feature in many applications, providing a platform for users to interact with specific content distinct from the main page.

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with your current order, you can view as many components you like

Form Modal

A modal can also be used to present a form to the user. This provides a neat method of collecting user input without leaving the current page.

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Image Modal

A modal with an image provides a way to showcase a larger view of a picture.

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Mac Xenon

I am a fullstack software developer with ReactJS for frontend and NodeJS for backend

Build modern projects using Bootstrap 5 and Contrast

Trying to create components and pages for a web app or website from scratch while maintaining a modern User interface can be very tedious. This is why we created Contrast, to help drastically reduce the amount of time we spend doing that. so we can focus on building some other aspects of the project.

Contrast Bootstrap PRO consists of a Premium UI Kit Library featuring over 10000+ component variants. Which even comes bundled together with its own admin template comprising of 5 admin dashboards and 23+ additional admin and multipurpose pages for building almost any type of website or web app.
See a demo and learn more about Contrast Bootstrap Pro by clicking here.